
Contact the Board

It is important to the PRS Board that there is good communication between members and directors on matters of interest to the Society and its membership.

Any members who would like to communicate directly with PRS directors as a group or individually may do so by using the form below. Members should limit their communications to matters relating to corporate strategy, corporate governance or the Board. Communications relating to other topics, including those relating to individual membership queries (which should be sent direct to the Membership Team using the usual channels), will not be forwarded to the Board or any of its directors.

The communications that meet the content criteria will be forwarded to the Board or relevant directors. Messages will generally be delivered on a periodic basis, linked to the timing of scheduled Board meetings.

Communications will be received and processed by management who will acknowledge receipt and confirm whether the message is to be forwarded or, if not, why that decision has been made. Responses to messages that have been forwarded will be at the direction of the Board or individual directors.

Communications that are trivial, obscene, illegal, threatening or similarly inappropriate will be discarded without acknowledgement but with the provision that any communication that is discarded can be made available to any director upon his/her request. We reserve the right to forward any communication to the police if, in our view, the communication is or may constitute a criminal offence.

All messages should be in English and will be retained by management for a reasonable period of time.

PRS for Music’s acceptance and forwarding of messages to any director does not imply that the director owes or assumes any fiduciary or other duty to the person submitting the communication, including a duty to respond personally to them.
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