
All components


  1. Headings
  2. Buttons
  3. Links
  4. Lists
  5. Image
  6. Video


Heading 1

A heading 1 is denoted using the <h1> tag. We do not use them in the body of web pages as they are displayed automatically. The format for a heading 1 is:

Desktop: Camber, 60px, #E80033
Mobile: Camber, 35px, #E80033

This is a heading 1

Heading 2

A heading 2 is denoted using the <h2> tag. They are used in the body of web pages and appear outdented from the rest of the text. They are also used to display anchor links in the table of contents component. The format for a heading 2 is:

Desktop: Camber, 40px, weight 500, #040c49
Mobile: Camber, 24px, weight 500, #040C49

This is a heading 2

Heading 3

A heading 3 is denoted using the <h3> tag. They are used in the body of web pages and are the final layer of hierarchy. We do not use heading 4-6 in order to keep the narrative simple. The format for a heading 3 is:

Desktop: Camber, 24px, weight 400, #040C49
Mobile: Camber, 19px, weight 400, #040C49

This is a heading 3


There is one main button style used throughout the website. There are a couple of variants but they are only used in exceptional circumstances and not as part of the main body copy.

A button will be displayed with a blue background and a subtle drop shadow as below.


There are two types of links used within a rich text component. A link is displayed in red with a blue underline. If a link takes the user to a different website, it will be displayed with an icon denoting the action to the user. There is also a glossary link, which is more subtle and displays a pop up explanation for terms including works


Unordered list

A Unordered list is denoted using the <ul> and <li> tags. It displays with a red dash as the replacement for the bullet as displayed here. We do not indent unordered lists by default. If you need to indent a unordered list, think again about how the text is being laid out.

  • Unordered list item one
  • Unordered list item two
  • Unordered list item three

Ordered list

An ordered list is denoted using the <ol> and <li> tags. It displays with a red number as displayed here. We do not indent ordered lists by default. If you need to indent an ordered list, think again about how the text is being laid out.

  1. Ordered list item one
  2. Ordered list item two
  3. Ordered list item three

Table title

This is the table caption

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Column 4

Data 1

Data 2

Data 3

Data 4

Data 1

Data 2

Data 3

Data 4

Data 1

Data 2

Data 3

Data 4

Data 1

Data 2

Data 3

Data 4

Data 5

Data 6

Data 7

Data 8


Who We Be Sessions video cover feat Yizzy
Image caption no longer than 92 characters


Boxed In looking down
Boxed In - Mystery
A map of the world

Our global network

We have agreements with 150 countries around the world, so that we can collect our members' royalties internationally

Find out more

We are the UK's leading collecting society and part of a global network of societies. In most cases a licence from us gives those who want to use music the right to legally use millions of copyrighted songs and music compositions registered around the world.

Please note, you don't need a licence from us if you play music which is out of copyright or purchased from a royalty-free music library. Please contact us if you're unsure.

We collect and distribute licence fees for the use of music on behalf of our songwriter, composer and music publisher members.

Another UK society, PPL, collects and distributes licence fees for the use of recorded music on behalf of its performer and record company members.

In most cases, you will require a music licence from both of us when you play recorded music in public. Find out more about us here.

Step one

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec in augue vehicula, vestibulum enim vel, efficitur neque. Maecenas dignissim nisi in massa hendrerit, vel posuere augue ultricies.

Donec leo ex, ornare sed purus porttitor, placerat vehicula massa. Nullam eu est justo. Phasellus eros lacus, ornare eget rutrum nec, tincidunt sed felis. Vestibulum risus ligula, iaculis non suscipit ut, imperdiet sit amet urna. Donec ut mi id lacus finibus ultricies. Vestibulum sollicitudin orci in volutpat aliquet. Suspendisse accumsan, erat ut maximus feugiat, velit ex varius nulla, at sodales sapien magna eget elit. Phasellus quis aliquam quam, at hendrerit velit. Nunc quam eros, sagittis non auctor a, consequat at metus. Maecenas a pharetra quam. Fusce libero risus, porta ut fermentum non, consequat cursus massa.

Step two

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec in augue vehicula, vestibulum enim vel, efficitur neque. Maecenas dignissim nisi in massa hendrerit, vel posuere augue ultricies. Donec leo ex, ornare sed purus porttitor, placerat vehicula massa. Nullam eu est justo.

Phasellus eros lacus, ornare eget rutrum nec, tincidunt sed felis. Vestibulum risus ligula, iaculis non suscipit ut, imperdiet sit amet urna. Donec ut mi id lacus finibus ultricies. Vestibulum sollicitudin orci in volutpat aliquet. Suspendisse accumsan, erat ut maximus feugiat, velit ex varius nulla, at sodales sapien magna eget elit. Phasellus quis aliquam quam, at hendrerit velit. Nunc quam eros, sagittis non auctor a, consequat at metus. Maecenas a pharetra quam. Fusce libero risus, porta ut fermentum non, consequat cursus massa.


Short introductory text appears beneath each result.


Short introductory text appears beneath each result.


Short introductory text appears beneath each result.

switching account

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