FM2U music conference

Are record labels still relevant?

VIDEO: What does it mean to sign to a label? What are the differences in a major and indie deal? Is it possible to self-release successfully? Hear what the experts had to say on a recent industry panel...

Anita Awbi
  • By Anita Awbi
  • 19 Jan 2016
  • min read
At the tail-end of last year, a group of industry professionals got together to discuss the role of record labels in today’s digital-led music market.

It formed part of the #FM2U DIY music conference programme, which was put together by singer/songwriter Roxanne de Bastion and aimed squarely at emerging artists and songwriters.

For many artists, signing a record deal is still considered to be the holy grail. But what does it mean to sign to a label? What are the differences in a major and indie deal? Is it possible to self-release successfully?

These questions were at the heart of the debate, which you can watch here now.

Moderated by gloom-pop artist Laura Kidd and featuring singer/songwriter Beth Rowley, pop artist FEMME, digital distribution expert Toni Malyn (Emubands) and record label exec Peter Bramwell (State51 Conspiracy), this panel provides insight into the myriad avenues available to artists...