
I have a membership complaint

We aim to rectify errors and resolve confusion as soon as possible. If you think there has been an error or we have dealt with things incorrectly, please contact us by post, phone or email:

T: +44 (0)20 3741 4848

T: +44 (0)20 3741 4848

Member Services
1st Floor, Goldings House
2 Hays Lane
London SE1 2HB

If you are dissatisfied with the response or service you have received from us, you should follow our complaints procedure. We take all complaints very seriously and the procedure should be used if you believe that PRS for Music:

  • a) has not complied with its stated service standards
  • b) has not applied its stated policy
  • c) has not applied a provision of the Code of Conduct and/or our Complaints procedure
  • d) has not followed due process in setting a policy and this has adversely affected the administration of your rights
  • e) has not complied with a provision of your membership agreement

Complaints procedure

  1. If you wish to complain, please complete the complaints form, provide supplementary documentation and address your complaint to:
    PRS for Music Complaints,
    Member Services
    1st Floor, Goldings House
    2 Hays Lane
    London SE1 2HB
  2. We will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days of receipt.
  3. Within 15 working days from receipt of your complaint, a full response will be sent. In cases where compensatory payment is sought, this response will also confirm the payment of compensation or will detail the reasons why we feel payment should not be made. Hopefully this will resolve the complaint.
  4. If you are unhappy with the response, you should write within 28 days of the date of the response to the Head of Member Services stating the reasons why you are unhappy.

The Head of Member Services will respond in writing to you within 5 working days from receipt of your letter and will either:
Confirm or vary the earlier decision and advise you of your right of redress; or
Advise you that a further response will be given once further advice has been obtained and provide an indication of the likely timescale to reach a final decision.

If we have completed our investigation and provided a written response, we may confirm there is nothing more we can do under our Complaints Procedure.

Next steps

  • PRS - If you have followed the set complaints procedure and we have confirmed that there are no further actions we can take, you may within 60 days of receipt of this confirmation (known as a “deadlock letter”) refer the matter to an Independent Complaints Reviewer (Ombudsman). For details please refer to the PRS for Music Code of Conduct.
  • MCPS - If you have a complaint about the operational service provided PRS for Music, as MCPS's designated service provider, you should first use the procedure set out in the PRS for Music Code of Conduct. If, having exhausted that procedure, you are dissatisfied with the outcome, you have the further option of utilising the procedure set out in the MCPS's own Complaints Policy. This policy also applies to other types of complaint not covered by the PRS for Music procedure, and includes complaints from MCPS members, other rightsholders and users.Should you feel that you have pursued your complaint as far as possible through the complaints procedure and still feel dissatisfied with the outcome, you can address your complaint to the Company Secretary.
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