
Higher education

Notice to customers regarding the implementation of the new Universities, Colleges & Other Higher Education Institutions Tariff “UCH” for music within universities and higher education establishments.

This includes the performance of music at formal dances and annual Balls, organised by or specifically for, the entertainment of students attending those establishments.

In November 2015, concluded a consultation to introduce a new charging structure covering the use of PRS for Music repertoire in universities, colleges and other higher educational institutes. We published the consultation response summary in June 2016.

Following the consultation, we developed a new tariff “UCH” (formally known as Tariff “UC”). The new tariff will come into force for licence years commencing on or after 1st September 2019.

Tariff UCH has been devised with a view to simplifying the administration of your licence. Most customers will not, as a result of the introduction of the new tariff, experience any increase (other than an increase resulting from our standard indexation provision) in the royalty payable by them for the licence year in which the tariff revision takes effect.

Under the terms of your licence contract, TheMusicLicence, with PPL PRS Ltd, we need to let you know in advance of any change to a tariff that may affect the royalty payable by you. We will send you formal notice of the effective date of change via email.

A full version of the new UCH Tariff is available for download. You should be able to use this to work out the new royalty rate you’ll pay for the use of music.

Please contact us on if you have any questions regarding these changes.

Summary of Consultation Responses

The consultation received 11 responses, representing 13 PRS customers. PRS for Music have reviewed and summarised the responses which can be viewed in the document below. 

Document downloads

For more information please download the consultation document and associated documents available below.

Contact us

If you are visually impaired or require assistance in responding to the Higher Education Consultation, please contact us.

Tel: +44 (0)870 333 7003

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