

To comply with the Cyprus Copyright Act of 1976, your business is legally required to pay for the use of any copyright music on your premises.

Our guide to licensing music in Cyprus

How tariffs are set

PRS for Music tariffs are structured to ensure they can cater for all types of businesses and performances. These tariffs cover anything from licensing a large club to a small hairdresser. Each one is tailored to cater for the needs of a particular business sector. The main aim when setting a tariff is to ensure that our charges for music played or performed in public are fair to both the music creators and our customers. For example, we don’t charge the same fee for music used in a small venue compared with a football stadium or arena. 

Licensing tariffs

Licensing music

For more information on music licensing, copyright and what to expect when setting up a licence with us, take a look at our Licensing music page.

Our published licensing schemes are are set and reviewed in consultation with our licensees and, if appropriate, their representative bodies.

Get in touch

If you have any questions about music licensing for your business, please call us on +357 25 72 30 00 or email to reach our local representatives CCM.

You can also write to us at:

PRS for Music
P.O. Box 70529
Limassol  3800

For all Broadcast licensing issues, please call Michael Scoufarides on +357 22 89 89 19 or email

If you would like to get in touch via post, the address is:

PRS for Music
P.O. Box 20667
Nicosia 1662

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