
Plan 8

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Plan 8 is a small independent with a unique identity - an alternative to the large and weighty and a fast forward-thinking ‘niche’ company always ready to break the mold with great new interesting product.

All our writers are having chart success right now or are top-level composers at the head of their game – they include the UK’s hottest production and writing teams alongside mega-remixers who have been responsible for over 50 Top Ten club records in the last five years.

Our mainstream film and TV composer credits include:

  • Desperate Housewives
  • Lost
  • American Idol
  • Top Gear
  • Master and Commander

We understand that competition is out there and we embrace it because it makes us sharper, leaner and more willing to learn. Our reputation has been built on creativity, attention to detail, and quality of service and this will never change.

We welcome handling complex music searches and hearing from you.

Plan 8: the future of contemporary production music

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